Blood Drive for Boston Children's Hospital

When:  Nov 7, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM (ET)
Blood Drive for Boston Children's Hospital 
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Knights of Columbus Upper Hall
48 Schoosett Street, Pembroke, MA 02359

In the season of giving, give something that is desperately needed and will save a child's life. Sign up for a time slot that works best for you to donate blood at our blood drive for Children's Hospital. Pints for half pints! 

The Children's Hospital blood mobile will be parked in the back of the Knights of Columbus Building in Pembroke. Our Community Outreach Task Force will be inside the Knights hall to check you in and provide you with refreshments after you donate. Sign up here for your preferred time slot. 

Encourage family, friends and colleagues to sign up too.



48 Schoosett Street
Pembroke, MA 02359